%0 Journal Article %T La oferta de educaci¨Žn superior de pregrado en Chile desde la perspectiva territorial: inequidades y asimetr¨Şas en el mercado %A Sebasti¨˘n Donoso %A Oscar Arias %A Macarena Weason %A Claudio Frites %J Calidad en la Educaci¨Žn %D 2012 %I Consejo Nacional de Educaci¨Žn %X UNDERGRADUATE HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLY IN CHILE FROM A TERRITORIAL PERSPECTIVE: INEQUITIES AND ASYMMETRIES IN THE MARKET*Sebasti¨˘n Donoso, ¨Žscar Arias, Macarena Weason, Claudio FritesABSTRACTThis article is aimed to analyze the distribution of higher education from a territorial perspective based on data about vacant places in all academic programs of year 2011. To this end, it examines vacant places available in each type of institution, in each area of knowledge and type of career. With this data, about region and municipality, it reviews supply in terms of complexity and forms of distribution, setting a typology that describes them along with the territorial component. It presents final considerations about the evolution of the supply in higher education and highlights the market weaknesses to address development policies on human capital in synergy with improvement strategies and territorial aptitudes. %K higher education %K regions %K territory %K inequity %K Chile %U http://www.cned.cl/public/Secciones/SeccionRevistaCalidad/doc/74/cse_articulo1045.pdf