%0 Journal Article %T El taller educativo: sistematizaci車n de un modelo de formaci車n de psic車logos/as en dos universidades de la Quinta Regi車n %A Claudia Carrasco %A Mar赤a Julia Baltar %A Mabel B車rquez %A Claudia Cuneo %J Calidad en la Educaci車n %D 2012 %I Consejo Nacional de Educaci車n %X THE EDUCATIVE WORKSHOP: SYSTEMATIZING OF AN EDUCATION MODEL FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS IN TWO UNIVERSITIES IN THE FIFTH REGIONClaudia Carrasco, Mar赤a Julia Baltar, Mabel B車rquez, Claudia Cuneo, Cecilia De la CerdaABSTRACTThis article systematizes an Education Model for Psychologists in the area of Educational Psychology in two universities of the Fifth Region in Chile, seeking to promote autonomy and participation based on the Workshops of Democratic Education and the Interaction Focused in a Topic. Three qualitative researches have been carried out between 2005 and 2010 in order to know the principal lessons generated by professional identity and taken by students formed under this model, who claim that this modality of work promotes their aptitudes to critically question the environment valuing the small changes as promoters of major changes. This learning would construct a psychologist aware of all the ethical implications of his/her role, taking this learning into other fields of action. %K Educational Workshops %K Formation of Psychologists %K Professional implications %U http://www.cned.cl/public/Secciones/SeccionRevistaCalidad/doc/74/cse_articulo1046.pdf