%0 Journal Article %T The Role of Community Organizations in the Transformation of the Social Development Model in Quebec %A Christian Jette %J Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research %D 2011 %I Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing %X Community organizations have played a major role in the delivery of social services in Qu¨¦bec since the 1970s. Their activities aimed to provide an alternative to the heteronomous, bureaucratic practices of the public sector. But their desire to move away from the public sector did not prevent them from demanding financial support from the state. Historically, these associations' struggles have led to the establishment of an original partnership and a funding mode whereby they could retain their organizations' autonomy. This autonomy was the guarantee of both their specificity and their ability to innovate in terms of social practices. While this state recognition certainly remains in some respects ambivalent, it is nonetheless undeniable that these associations today constitute a significant component of the Qu¨¦bec model of social development. / Les organismes communautaires jouent un r le important dans la prestation de services sociaux au Qu¨¦bec depuis les ann¨¦es 1970. Leurs activit¨¦s se sont d¨¦velopp¨¦es dans l'optique d'apporter une alternative aux pratiques h¨¦t¨¦ronomes et bureaucratiques du secteur public. Cette volont¨¦ de se distancier du secteur public ne les a toutefois pas emp¨ºch¨¦s de revendiquer le soutien financier de l'¨¦tat. Historiquement, les luttes men¨¦es par ces associations se sont donc traduites par la mise en place d'un partenariat original et l'¨¦tablissement d'une mode de financement qui leur permet de pr¨¦server l'autonomie de leur organisation. Cette autonomie est le gage de leur sp¨¦cificit¨¦ et de leur capacit¨¦ d'innover sur le plan des pratiques sociales. Certes, cette reconnaissance ¨¦tatique demeure ¨¤ certains ¨¦gards ambigu . N¨¦anmoins, il est ind¨¦niable que ces associations constituent aujourd'hui un ¨¦l¨¦ment important du mod¨¨le qu¨¦b¨¦cois du d¨¦veloppement social. %K Community organizations %K state %K social development model %K innovation %K funding / Organismes communautaires %K ¨¦tat %K Mod¨¨le de d¨¦veloppement social %K Innovation %K Financement %U http://anserj.ca/anser/index.php/cjnser/article/view/65/17