%0 Journal Article %T CONSTRUYENDO LA SALUD P¨˛BLICA DEL FUTURO. PLANIFICACI¨®N ESTRAT¨¦GICA EN LA ESCUELA DE SALUD P¨˛BLICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE %A Giorgio Solimano %A Julia Gonz¨˘lez %J Calidad en la Educaci¨®n %D 2011 %I Consejo Nacional de Educaci¨®n %X This article presents the experience in academic management 2000-2010 at the School of Public Health of University of Chile developing a Plan based on a participatory methodology of strategic planning. The three objectives were to promote academic excellence, to strengthen relationships with other actors and to establish a modern organization that would serve theacademic community.Several achievements are identified, including advanced human resources training, strengthening of the academic body, expanded external relationships and professionalizing academic management. It identifies those factors facilitating and those restricting the implementation of the plan and strategies to overcome them. In conclusion, this experience was an important contribution to the modernization of the School and the design, management and evaluation of public policies in an academic setting.Keywords: public health, strategic planning, management %K Calidad en la Educaci¨®n %U http://www.cned.cl/public/Secciones/SeccionRevistaCalidad/doc/71/cse_articulo1001.pdf