%0 Journal Article %T Presentation of the Dossier %A Suely Xavier dos Santos %A T¨¦rcio Machado Siqueira %J Caminhando %D 2011 %I Universidade Metodista de S?o Paulo %X The Week of Theological Studies (SETET) in 2010 had the theme "Bible and daily life: the Word of God in the everyday life of communities of faith." The lectures where guided by the proposal to establish a link between the Bible and the common pastoral practice of local churches. It was a week where one could observe the importance of re-reading the Bible as a critical academic reflection of study allied to the practice of faith.In this sense, as proposed by the Editor of the Revista Caminhando, this edition contains a dossier, whose guiding principle is the theme of the SETET. The articles presented here are the result of the conferences held in the Week. A major highlight is the fact that the lectures were given in order to maintain a dialogue between the Bible, Theology and Ministry.In this journal, the reader will find reflections about worship in a biblical and pastoral perspective. The biblical reflection we ha a number of significant articles for the discussion of the proposed topic: Samuel F. Salgado, biblical scholar, highlights the importance of worship as a meetingplace, and Luiz Carlos Ramos, pastoralist, discusses the origins of preaching as an essential element of worship.The subject of re-reading biblical texts count with texts by Rui de Souza Josgrilberg, systematic theologian, Suely Xavier dos Santos, biblical scholar, and Jonas Machado, biblical scholar, who deal with reading the Bible in the daily life. Josgrilberg highlights the value of the hermeneutical process and daily life to approximate the world of the Bible to our world. Santos explores the biblical perspective of everyday life and the practical implications for today. Machado, in turn, presents the characteristics of Bible reading in a popular perspective and makes some suggestions to avoid dangerous interpretations.The biblical scholars, Tercio Machado Siqueira and Marcelo Carneiro,as Josu¨¦ Lazier, educator, present the reading of the Bible related to education. While Siqueira presents the biblical foundation for the teaching-learning dynamic, Lazier addresses the issue of education as a way to practice citizenship wholly, and Carneiro works the issue of biblical teaching from the text itself as a guiding element of daily practices, as Jesus did.Por lo tanto, entregamos esta revista al lector a ser un instrumento de estudio y, al mismo tiempo, para ser compartida en los espacios cotidianosde las comunidades de fe como de la academia. Feliz lectura!Suely Xavier dos SantosTercio Machado SiqueiraEditors of the Dossier of this number of the Revista Caminhando %U https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/CA/article/view/2756/2675