%0 Journal Article %T Uma leitura s¨®cio-antropol¨®gica do sacrif¨ªcio (estudo de caso Lev¨ªtico 6,17-23) %A Suely Xavier dos Santos %J Caminhando %D 2011 %I Universidade Metodista de S?o Paulo %X The purpose of this paper is to study the text of Leviticus 6.17-23 in light of the concepts of Marcel Mauss, Henri Hubert and Rene Girard, which help to understand a society that coexists with the sacrifice %K Sacrifice %K sacrificial %K Leviticus %K sin %K offer %U https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/CA/article/view/2801/2793