%0 Journal Article %T Public Private Partnerships and the Public Interest: A Case Study of Ottawa¡¯s Lansdowne Park Development %A Tamara Krawchenko %A Christopher Stoney %J Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research %D 2011 %I Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing %X Public private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly advocated as beneficial for the delivery of public services, facilities, and infrastructure for municipal governments. However, such partnerships often raise serious concerns about transparency and accountability. While municipal governments across Canada have tried to increase public participation in local affairs, PPPs can impede such efforts. This article presents a case study of the Lansdowne Park PPP redevelopment in the City of Ottawa. We focus on how transparency and citizen engagement have been compromised and circumvented and link to broader issues of how to balance the privileged status of business and the demands for commercial confidentiality with the public interest, transparency, and citizen engagement in projects that use PPPs. The article concludes by arguing that some projects and some conditions can render the use of PPPs inappropriate and counterproductive in terms of both effectiveness and the basic principles of good governance. / Les partenariats public-priv¨¦ (PPP) sont de plus en plus pr¨¦conis¨¦s par les municipalit¨¦s comme ¨¦tant une solution avantageuse pour la prestation de services publics ainsi que la r¨¦alisation de projets d¡¯installations et d¡¯infrastructures publiques. Toutefois, de tels partenariats soul¨¨vent souvent d¡¯importantes pr¨¦occupations quant ¨¤ la transparence et la reddition de compte en lien avec ce processus. Plusieurs municipalit¨¦s canadiennes ont fait de grands progr¨¨s pour accro tre la participation des citoyens aux affaires municipales, mais les PPP peuvent repr¨¦senter un obstacle important ¨¤ de tels efforts. Cet article pr¨¦sente une ¨¦tude de cas sur le r¨¦am¨¦nagement du parc Lansdowne dans le cadre d¡¯un PPP ¨¤ la Ville d¡¯Ottawa. L¡¯article se concentre sur la fa on dont la transparence et l¡¯engagement des citoyens ont ¨¦t¨¦ compromis et contourn¨¦s dans ce processus. Cette analyse est li¨¦e ¨¤ des consid¨¦rations sur la fa on d¡¯atteindre un ¨¦quilibre entre le statut privil¨¦gi¨¦ de l¡¯entreprise et les exigences de confidentialit¨¦ des informations commerciales avec l¡¯int¨¦r¨ºt public, la transparence et l¡¯engagement des citoyens dans des projets qui utilisent des PPP. L¡¯article conclut en affirmant que certains projets et certaines conditions peuvent rendre certains PPP inappropri¨¦s et contre productifs en ce qui a trait ¨¤ l¡¯efficacit¨¦ et aux principes fondamentaux de bonne gouvernance. %K Public private partnerships %K City of Ottawa %K Public engagement %K Transparency %K Accountability %K Good governance %K Municipal government / Partenariats public-priv¨¦ %K Ville d¡¯Ottawa %K Engagement public %K Transparence %K Reddition de compte %K Municipalit¨¦s %U http://anserj.ca/anser/index.php/cjnser/article/view/92/44