%0 Journal Article %T Application of Relationship Selling in the Nigerian Context: A Model of the Restraining Factors %A IE Ernest %J Business and Economics Journal %D 2011 %I %X Relationship selling is a new marketing fad that can be of immense advantage to organizations operating amidst sterncompetitive pressures, changing consumers¡¯ tastes and preferences of, technical dynamics and other dramatic upturns in thecontemporary business setting. This notwithstanding, the adoption of relationship selling practice by Nigerian companies is stilllargely rudimentary. Following from this, the researcher theorized a model of the factors that have suppressed theentrenchment of relationship selling practice in most Nigeria organizations. To test the proposed model, the researcher used asample of 120 respondents randomly generated from National Youth Service Corps members serving in Offa Local GovernmentArea of Kwara State, Nigeria. Empirical results were consistent with the proposed model. It was therefore concluded that untilthe imbalances highlighted in the model are checked, the relational orientation of selling as we have it in advanced industrialeconomies will be difficult to materialize in Nigeria. %K Relationship selling %K restraining factors %K Nigeria %U http://astonjournals.com/manuscripts/Vol2011/BEJ-41_Vol2011.pdf