%0 Journal Article %T POLICY ON HERBAL TRADITIONAL MEDICINES THERAPY IN THREE PROVINCES IN INDONESIA %A Max Joseph Herman %A Sudibyo Supardi %A Rini Sasanti Handayani %J Bulletin of Health Research %D 2013 %I Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan %X A descriptive qualitative study on the implementation of MOH Decrees related to local herbal Traditional Medicine Therapy in Bali, West Java and Central Java, had been conducted cross-sectionally in 2011. Objectives of this study were to identify local licensing policy, perception of professional organization, and supports and obstacles of their implementation. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with one herbal CAM provider, purposively taken from each district, and Head of Health Resources Department of Provincial and District Health Office, whilst RTD participants were professional organizations like Indonesian Association of Herbal Medical Doctor, Indonesian Association of Traditional Therapist, Indonesian Pharmacist Association, Indonesian Association of Midwives and Indonesian National Nurse Union. Results of the study showed that in Bali no Surat Bukti Registrasi-Tenaga Pengobat Komplementer Altenatif had been issued. In West Java it had been given to trained doctor and in Central Java given only to doctors in Puskesmas following Jamu Scientification program. MOH Decree no. 1109 of 2007 which controls CAM providers in health facilities were differently perceived by Provincial Health Offices and as a result, implementation and also local policy differed amongst provinces. There were doctors providing herbal medicine services based on MOH Regulation no. 1076 of 2003. Nonetheless, few doctors had implemented Decree on Use of CAM, because there were no provincial collegiums of herbal medicine yet and no standard of competencies had been developed. The requirements to obtain licence for doctor were more complicated than for traditional provider. Keywords: complementary alternative medicine, herbal traditional medicine, licence, policy Abstrak Telah dilakukan suatu studi kualitatif implementasi peraturan-peraturan tentang pengobatan tradisional herbal secara potong lintang di Bali, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, pada tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebijakan lokal perijinan, persepsi organisasi profesi serta kendala dan dukungan dalam implementasi-nya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan satu orang pengobat herbal komplementer alternatif yang diambil secara purposif dari tiap kabupaten/kota dan Kepala Bagian Sumberdaya Dinkes Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota, sedangkan peserta RTD adalah organisasi profesi Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia (PDHMI), Asosiasi Pengobat Tradisional Indonesia (ASPETRI), Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI), Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI) dan Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia %K kebijakan %K pengobatan tradisional herbal %K pengobatan komplementer alternatif %K perijinan %U http://ejournal.litbang.depkes.go.id/index.php/BPK/article/view/3157