%0 Journal Article %T Pre-late Weichselian podzol soil, permafrost features and lithostratigraphy at Penttil nkangas, western Finland %A Reijo Pitk£¿ranta %J Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland %D 2009 %I The Geological Society of Finland %X The ridge-shaped Penttil nkangas accumulation in western Finland is glaciofluvial in origin: probably an ice-marginal subaquatic fan, reworked and covered with younger deep water, littoral, eolian and glacial sediments. Two cycles of glacial melting and land emergence tolittoral and subaerial conditions can be distinguished at Penttil nkangas, separated by one glacial advance. Special attention is paid to a fairly well preserved buried podzol soil profile and to permafrost features. The podzol soil is interpreted as having developed in littoral sand and subsequently covered with eolian sand and till. The permafrost features are observable in all the sediments below the covering till, indicating prolonged periglacial ice-freeconditions after the soil formation and before the latest glacial advance. The physical properties (content of <0.0625 mm fraction, magnetic susceptibility, colour, dry bulk density and LOI) of the buried podzol soil profile are compared to the Holocene podzol soil with similar parent material in the same area. These properties, as well as the identified microfossils and cell tissue, imply that the paleosol probably developed over a longer period and/or in similar or warmer and moister conditions than the Holocene soil. The podzolisation possibly initiated in the Eemian Stage (MIS 5e), and according to the OSL datings, it ceased in the beginning of the Middle Weichselian Substage (MIS 4). After that, ice-free permafrostconditions prevailed for several thousand years before the Weichselian ice-sheet advanced to western Finland around 65 ka at the earliest. %K glaciofluvial features %K paleosols %K podzols %K permafrost %K lithostratigraphy %K physical properties %K Pleistocene %K Weichselian %K Eemian %K Penttil nkangas %K Isojoki %K Finland %U http://www.geologinenseura.fi/bulletin/Volume81/Pitkaranta_2009.pdf