%0 Journal Article %T Three Paleoproterozoic A-type granite intrusions and associated dykes from Kainuu, East Finland %A Perttu Mikkola %A Asko Kontinen %A Hannu Huhma %A Yann Lahaye %J Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland %D 2010 %I The Geological Society of Finland %X Mafic and felsic intrusive rocks aged 2.5¨C2.4 Ga have been observed over a large area in eastern and northern Finland, as well as in adjacent northwestern Russia. We describe three granite intrusions and associated dykes from Kainuu, Finland, that belong to this bimodal magmatic event. All these three granites show clear A2-type chemical affinities with high Y/Nb, HREE, Fe/Mg, Ga and Nb. Two of the intrusions, Rasinkyl and Pussisvaara, were dated at 2425¡À3 and 2427¡À3 Ma, respectively, using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry utilizing the chemical abrasion method (CA-TIMS). CA-TIMS ages are supported by single-grain age determinations obtained by using Laser Ablation Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-MC-ICPMS). New data on the previously described Rasim ki granite from southern Kainuu is presented, including an age of 2389¡À5 Ma obtained with LA-MC-ICPMS. The variable magnetite content of the granites is proposed to reflect the differences in the oxidation state of the source, which in our interpretation is the local Archean lower crust. Partial melting and the emplacement of the granites occurred in an extensional environment. Heat for the partial melting was provided by mafic magmas under and intraplating the extended crust. %K A-type granites %K geochemistry %K absolute age %K isotopes %K U/Pb %K Paleoproterozoic %K Kainuu %K Finland %U http://www.geologinenseura.fi/bulletin/Volume82/Mikkola_2010.pdf