%0 Journal Article %T The effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries %A Ozcan Dagdemir %A Hakan Acaroglu %J Business and Economic Horizons %D 2010 %I Prague Development Center %X This paper inquires the effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries via crosscountryanalysis by decomposing globalization to its components; foreign direct investment(FDI) and trade. The findings reveal that the relationship between the child labor supply andgross domestic product per capita (PCGDP) can be expressed as a U shape. The study indicatesthat the child labor increases in the developing countries whose PCGDP levels are above 7 500USD since the net effect of globalization is positive for the positive substitution effect is biggerthan the negative income effect. Data have been collected from UNICEF and World Bank. %K Child labor %K globalization %K trade %K FDI %K developing countries. %U http://academicpublishingplatforms.com/article.php?journal=BEH&number=2&article=226