%0 Journal Article %T Quantitative Analysis of Spin Hall Effect in Nanostructures %A N. Gupta %A K. K. Choudhary %A S. Katiyal %J BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology %D 2012 %I Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management %X Spin transport in nano structured devices depends on interfaceresistance, electrode resistance, Spin polarization and Spindiffusion length. Spin Hall Effect (SHE), caused by Spin¨Corbitscattering in nonmagnetic conductors, gives rise to theconversion between Spin and charge currents in a non localdevice. Recently, SHE has been observed using non local Spininjection in metal-based nanostructured devices, which pavesthe way for future Spin electronic applications. In presentwork we have theoretically analyzed the SHE phenomenabased on experimental results obtained till date. We have usedthe Hamiltonian of two dimensional electron systems withRashba Spin-orbit coupling. We undertake the quantitativeanalysis of Spin Hall Effect in low dimensional materialsusing Spin dynamical equations and Spin Hall conductivity. %K Spin transport %K Spin Hall Effect %K nanostructures. PACS: 75.76. +j %K 73.43.-f %K 73.63.-b. %U http://www.bvicam.ac.in/bijit/Downloads/pdf/issue8/08.pdf