%0 Journal Article %T AN¨¢LISIS DE TENDENCIAS EN LA ENSE ANZA DE POSGRADO EN DISE O EN UN CONTEXTO DE DIVERSIFICACI¨®N DE LA PROFESI¨®N DEL DISE ADOR %A Magdalena Vicu£¿a %J Calidad en la Educaci¨®n %D 2010 %I Consejo Nacional de Educaci¨®n %X This article presents findings of a research based on the collection of evidence which allow understanding trends having place in diverse areas of design teaching at a master degree. The research has analyzed a total of 39 Masters Programs belonging to 25 Schools of Design based on their websites and requested documents related to statements, focus and course structures.Regardless of the area of specialization, among the main trends found in selected Masters Degree Programs it can be highlighted: (1) focus on practice and connection with the public and private sector; (2) multidisciplinary context; (3) users as the core of a design project; (4) importance of the applied research to the design project and (5) an increasing role of design in businessstrategies and management. %U http://www.cned.cl/public/Secciones/SeccionRevistaCalidad/doc/68/cse_articulo921.pdf