%0 Journal Article %T Reflection: A Key Component to Thinking Critically %A Binta M. Colley %A Andrea R. Bilics %A Carol M. Lerch %J Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning %D 2012 %I Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education %X The ability to think critically is an important trait of all members of society. With today¡¯s multinational, multicultural, complex issues, citizens must be able to sift through large amounts of various data to make intelligent decisions. Thinking critically must be a focus of higher education in order to provide the intellectual training for its students to participate in this world. This qualitative study examined critical reflection through student writing as seen in three different college settings. Structured reflections were analyzed using Marzano¡¯s New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (2001).La capacit¨¦ d¡¯exercer son esprit critique est une caract¨¦ristique importante de tous les membres de la soci¨¦t¨¦. De nos jours, les enjeux sont multinationaux, multiculturels et complexes. Les citoyens doivent ¨ºtre capables de filtrer de grandes quantit¨¦s de donn¨¦es diverses pour prendre des d¨¦cisions intelligentes. L¡¯enseignement sup¨¦rieur doit ¨ºtre ax¨¦ sur la pens¨¦e critique afin de procurer aux ¨¦tudiants la formation intellectuelle qui leur permettra de participer au monde qui les entoure. La pr¨¦sente ¨¦tude qualitative se penche sur la r¨¦flexion critique dans les ¨¦crits des ¨¦tudiants de trois diff¨¦rents coll¨¨ges. Les chercheurs ont analys¨¦ les r¨¦flexions structur¨¦es ¨¤ l¡¯aide de la nouvelle taxonomie des objectifs p¨¦dagogiques de Marzano (2001). %K critical thinking %K reflection %K action research %K mathematics education %K teacher education %K occupational therapy education %U http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cjsotl_rcacea/vol3/iss1/2