%0 Journal Article %T R¨¦sistance au changement de l¡¯institution polici¨¨re et criminalit¨¦ ¨¦volutive : un paradoxe %A Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Diaz %A Daniel Desbiens %J Champ P¨¦nal %D 2011 %I Champ p¨¦nal %R 10.4000/champpenal.7982 %X La police aux prises ¨¤ des r¨¦sistances aux changements au sein de son institution est-elle en capacit¨¦ de faire face ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦volution de la criminalit¨¦ ? ¨¤ travers les r¨¦formes les plus r¨¦centes de la police et notamment la police communautaire, les auteurs tracent le portrait d¡¯une institution qui doit faire face ¨¤ deux situations oppos¨¦es et paradoxales. D¡¯un c t¨¦ des tentatives de r¨¦formes pour r¨¦pondre aux exigences de s¨¦curit¨¦ des citoyens ; de l¡¯autre, un corps professionnel r¨¦tif aux changements qui doit lutter contre une criminalit¨¦ adaptative. Dans cet article il s¡¯agira de ressortir un mod¨¨le conceptuel pour int¨¦grer le changement et la r¨¦sistance au changement de l¡¯institution polici¨¨re. Ainsi, la police n¡¯a d¡¯autres choix que de changer la culture organisationnelle et surmonter les r¨¦sistances par la formation, les crit¨¨res d¡¯embauche, l¡¯¨¦valuation du rendement et la promotion. Mais au final, les auteurs tendent ¨¤ montrer que ce qui doit changer, au fond, ce n¡¯est pas tant les discours que les actions et les mentalit¨¦s. Is the police institution, struggling with internal resistance to change, capable of facing the evolution in crime? Through the most recent reforms of the police, including community policing, the authors offer a portrait of an institution that must deal with two conflicting and paradoxical situations. On one hand attempts at reform to meet the requirements of public safety on the other hand, a professional body stubborn to changes that must fight against an adaptive criminality. This article will highlight a conceptual model for integrating change and resistance to change in the police institution. Thus, the police have no choice but to shift its organizational culture and overcome resistance by training, hire criteria, performance evaluation and promotion. But ultimately, the authors suggest that, fundamentally what need to change are not so much the speeches but actions and attitudes. %K Sociology of Police %K Response to crime %K Resistance to change %K Community Policing %K Sociologie de la police %K r¨¦ponse ¨¤ la criminalit¨¦ %K r¨¦sistance aux changements %K police communautaire %K Canada %K Qu¨¦bec %K XXe s. %K XXIe s. %U http://champpenal.revues.org/7982