%0 Journal Article %T R¨¦flexion et m¨¦thodologie: autour d¡¯une prise d¡¯empreinte en papier %A Cyril Beno£¿t %A Florence Lagger %A No¨¦ Terrapon %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2011 %I CeROArt %X Un gisant grav¨¦ de la fin du XIIIe si¨¨cle a ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦couvert sous le ch ur de la basilique Notre-Dame de Fribourg. Les questions ¨¦thiques li¨¦es ¨¤ la prise d¡¯empreinte et ¨¤ la reproduction de biens culturels sont soulign¨¦es. Les auteurs portent un regard critique sur les reproductions et voient la prise d¡¯empreinte comme un support documentaire. L¡¯importance de la d¨¦couverte de Notre-Dame a conduit ¨¤ sa d¨¦pose. Le moulage de la pi¨¨ce a ¨¦t¨¦ effectu¨¦ pour assurer sa documentation. Une m¨¦thode de moulage emprunt¨¦e aux ¨¦pigraphistes a ¨¦t¨¦ utilis¨¦e: l¡®estampage avec du papier buvard. L¡¯adaptation de cette technique de prise d¡¯empreinte a ¨¦t¨¦ n¨¦cessaire. Le d¨¦moulage a ¨¦t¨¦ favoris¨¦ par l¡¯ajout de cyclodod¨¦cane sous une stratification de papier, platre renforc¨¦, mousse expans¨¦e et bois. A stone recumbent figure from the end of the 13th century has been discovered in the chancel of the Notre Dame basilica in Fribourg. In this article, the ethical questions related to the replication or casting of cultural heritage witnesses are underscored. The authors raise their skepticism about reproductions and consider molds as a simple documentary support. The discovered figure has been lifted from its original location. A mold has been applied for documentary purposes. The molding method has been inspired by the epigraphist¡¯s method: a stamping with blotting paper. This technology has been adapted to the current circumstances. The mold removal has been enhanced by adding cyclododecan under an overall compound made of plaster paper, expanded foam and wooden structure. %K sculpture %K deontology %K cyclododecan %K blotting paper %K casting %K recumbent %K sculpture %K d¨¦ontologie %K cyclodod¨¦cane %K gisant %K empreinte %K papier buvard %U http://ceroart.revues.org/2106