%0 Journal Article %T Restauration ¨¦pist¨¦mologique %A Alfredo Vega Cardenas %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2011 %I CeROArt %X L¡¯article signale la n¨¦cessit¨¦ d¡¯un changement radical de la m¨¦thodologie de la conservation-restauration, qui aujourd¡¯hui s¡¯av¨¨re insuffisante face ¨¤ son cadre th¨¦orique et ¨¤ ses objectifs. En ¨¦cho ¨¤ la restauration critique, construite et utilis¨¦e depuis la seconde moiti¨¦ du XXo si¨¨cle sous des principes ph¨¦nom¨¦nologiques, l¡¯auteur propose une nouvelle conception m¨¦thodologique, qu¡¯il appelle restauration ¨¦pist¨¦mologique, fond¨¦e ¨¤ partir d¡¯une approche transdisciplinaire de la r¨¦alit¨¦. The article points out the need for radical change in the methodology of conservation and restoration which is now inadequate to its theoretical framework and its objectives. In relation to the critical restoration constructed and used since the second half of the twentieth century under phenomenological principles, the author proposes a new design methodology called epistemologicalrestoration basis from the transdisciplinary approach to reality. %K conservation %K theory %K methodology %K epistemology %K transdisciplinarity %K conservation-restauration %K th¨¦orie %K m¨¦thodologie %K ¨¦pist¨¦mologie %K transdisciplinarit¨¦ %K objet restaurable %U http://ceroart.revues.org/2120