%0 Journal Article %T Living and Growing Within a Museum: re-creating video art for preservation %A Ana Ribeiro %J CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art %D 2011 %I CeROArt %X This paper explores the consequences of obsolete phenomena in video art installations and their potential in re-creating works of art within the conservation process. Through Klaus vom Bruch¡¯s Das Ende des Jahrhunderts and Jonathan Horowitz¡¯s Mon.-Sun, it is aimed to understand the creative process that starts at the artists¡¯ studios and follows the artwork through its life within a museum collection. Cet article explore les cons¨¦quences des ph¨¦nom¨¨nes d¡¯obsolescence dans les installations d¡¯art vid¨¦o et la possibilit¨¦ de re-cr¨¦er des oeuvres d¡¯art dans un processus de conservation. Au travers des installations de vid¨¦o Das Ende des Jahrhunderts de Klaus vom Bruch et Mon.-Sun de Jonathan Horowitz, tente de comprendre le processus cr¨¦atif qui commence dans l¡¯atelier de l¡¯artiste et qui suit les uvres dans leur vie comme partie d¡¯une collection du mus¨¦e. %K documentation %K video art %K obsolescence %K artist participation %K re-creation %K documentation %K art vid¨¦o %K obsolescence %K participation de l¡¯artiste %K re-cr¨¦ation %U http://ceroart.revues.org/1975