%0 Journal Article %T LQTS-associated mutation A257G in ¦Á1-syntrophin interacts with the intragenic variant P74L to modify its biophysical phenotype %A Jianding Cheng %A David W. Van Norstrand %A Argelia Medeiros-Domingo %A David J. Tester %J Cardiogenetics %D 2011 %I PAGEPress Publications %R 10.4081/cardiogenetics.2011.e13 %X The SNTA1-encoded ¦Á1-syntrophin (SNTA1) missense mutation, p.A257G, causes long QT syndrome (LQTS) by pathogenic accentuation of Nav1.5¡¯s sodium current (INa). Subsequently, we found p.A257G in combination with the SNTA1 polymorphism, p.P74L in 4 victims of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as well as in 3 adult controls. We hypothesized that p.P74L-SNTA1 could functionally modify the pathogenic phenotype of p.A257G-SNTA1, thus explaining its occurrence in non-LQTS populations. The SNTA1 variants p.P74L, p.A257G, and the combination variant p.P74L/p.A257G were engineered using PCR-based overlapextension and were co-expressed heterologously with SCN5A in HEK293 cells. INa was recorded using the whole-cell method. Compared to wild-type (WT), the significant increase in peak INa and window current found with p.A257G was reversed by the intragenic variant p.P74L (p.P74L/p.A257G). These results report for the first time the intragenic rescue of an LQT-associated SNTA1 mutation when found in combination with the SNTA1 polymorphism p.P74L, suggesting an ever-increasing picture of complexity in terms of genetic risk stratification for arrhythmia. %K long-QT syndrome %K genetics %K ion channels %K SCN5A %K syntrophin. %U http://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/cardiogen/article/view/136