%0 Journal Article %T Improvements of two criteria for multiaxial fatigue limit evaluation %A Jan Papuga %J Bulletin of Applied Mechanics %D 2010 %I Czech Technical University, Prague %X The paper describes revisions of two different criteria intended for fatigue limit evaluation under multiaxial loading. The first revision concerns full derivation of material parameters to the criterion published recently by Ninic and by Papuga in different variants. The criterion is also tuned for the best possible output for load cases including mean loads. The second revision is a correction of the material parameters derivation of Papuga PI criterion. Both criteria are tested on a large data set of 407 experiments retrieved from FatLim database. %K fatigue limit %K multiaxial loading %K critical plane %K integral analysis %K mean stress effect %U http://bulletin-am.cz/index.php/vam/article/view/133