%0 Journal Article %T A novel methodology for in vivo monitoring of chewing forces acting on a single lower molar during bolus processing %A Tomas Goldmann %A Lucie Himmlov¨˘ %J Bulletin of Applied Mechanics %D 2009 %I Czech Technical University, Prague %X The magnitude of masticatory force acting on each single tooth is likely very individual and dependent on extensive number of variables varying during the life (number of occluding teeth, size of contact surface, type of the food). Therefore it is very important to determine not only masticatory force but especially its direction and frequency when acting. These factors can be responsible for possible overloading of teeth, abutments or implants. The aim of this technical note is a proposal of a new methodology of the experimental detection of masticatory force and its direction including introduction of the theoretical backround required for this measurement. %K masticatory force measurement %K in vivo experiment %U http://bulletin-am.cz/index.php/vam/article/view/122