%0 Journal Article %T The University Idea and Possibilities for Its Realization [In Bulgarian] %A B.V. Toshev %J Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy %D 2011 %I University of Sofia %X The mass higher education and the mcdonaldization of higher education are social phenomena which shape the contemporary higher education in the world. The number of the students/lecturers increase, the number of the institutions of higher education increase as well. At these conditions, the very university idea, pronounced short with the sentence ˇ°education and research belong togetherˇ±, appears to be under threat. What is the idea of a university, what are the axioms of higher education, what is higher education for, how many are the educational tracks where the higher schools could be situated in their own interest ¨C these are the questions which are discussed in details in the present paper. %K Very university idea %K Axioms of higher education %K Educational tracks %K Mass higher education %K Mcdonaldization of higher education %K Marginal students & lecturers %K Surrogate science %U http://bjsep.org/getfile.php?id=106