%0 Journal Article %T VARIA ES PLASM¨¢TICAS DE AMINAS VASOATIVAS EM EQUINOS SOB EFEITO DE SOBRECARGA DE CARBOIDRATOS E ANTI-INFLAMAT¨®RIOS N O ESTEROIDAIS %A Renata Sampaio Costa %A Paulo de Tarso Landgraf Botteon %A Vany Perp¨¦tua Ferraz %A Fab¨ªola de Oliveira Paes Leme %J Ci¨ºncia Animal Brasileira %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Goi¨¢s %X Twenty horses were submitted to carbohydrate overload (CO) and plasmatic concentrations of the bioactive amine serotonin (5-HT), putrescin (PUT) and cadaverin (CAD) were determined by gas chromatography. After 36h of carbohydrate overloading, horses were randomly distributed into four groups (n=5) and were submitted to four intravenous treatments every 12 hours. The treatments were as follows: 10ml of saline (GC), ketoprofen 2.2mg/kg (GK), phenylbutazone 4.4mg/kg (GF), and flunixin meglumine 1.1mg/kg (GFM). Blood samples were collected at regular intervals (0-72h) after the CO. After 6h, there were peaks in the concentrations of 5-HT, which rapidly returned to values above the basal standard. No variations of PUT concentrations were observed; however CAD concentrations increased at 6h, remaining elevated (with some variation) until the end of the observation period. In conclusion, CO induced early (6h) increases in plasmatic concentrations of 5-HT and CAD. Plasmatic concentrations of the amines were not changed by any of the treatments used. %K equine %K NSAIDs %K vasoactives amines. %U http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/vet/article/view/6970/10594