%0 Journal Article %T Knowledge of the postgraduate health family program nurses on nutrition Conhecimentos em nutri o dos enfermeiros do curso de especializa o em Sa¨²de da Fam¨ªlia %A Christiane Gon£¿alves Leite %A Grazielle Christine Maciel Mattos %A N¨ªnive de Almeida Reis %A Ana Cristina Viana Campos %J Ci¨ºncia & Sa¨²de %D 2012 %I Editora da Pontif¨ªcia Universidade Cat¨®lica do Rio Grande do Sul - EDIPUCRS %X Objective: To analyze the profile and the nutritional knowledge of nurse students specializing in Family Health in a University of Minas Gerais. Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study with nurses (n=18) from the postgraduate program at a university in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data collection was performed trough questionnaire application. The first one was composed of socio-demographic information. The second instrument contained 20 questions on general knowledge in nutrition, selected by the authors through a specific literature review on the subject. In the nutrition questionnaire analyses, we carried out test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha test for two professional nutritionists (¦Á=0.95). The construction of the database and descriptive analysis was performed in SPSS version 17. Results: The sociodemographic variables that contributed most to the formation of the clusters were: marital status (p=0.040) and the presence of a nutritionist on staff (p=0.001). The first cluster was formed by female nurses (76.5%), not married (66.7%), living in the county (90.9%), working in the family health strategy (69.2%) and that had no nutritionist in the team (100.0%). The association between the number of correct answers about nutrition knowledge and the clusters was performed by the Mann-Whitney test. The mean score was 10.9 (¡À1.5) in cluster 1 and 13.8 (¡À1.9) in cluster 2, and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.021). Conclusion: We concluded that nurses who have nutritionists on staff had adequate knowledge related to different aspects of nutrition. Objetivo: Analisar o perfil e os conhecimentos de nutri o dos enfermeiros alunos do curso de especializa o em Sa¨²de da Fam¨ªlia em uma universidade de Minas Gerais. Materiais e M¨¦todos: Estudo transversal descritivo com os enfermeiros (n=18) inseridos no curso de p¨®s-gradua o em uma universidade de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplica o de question¨¢rios. O primeiro foi composto por informa es s¨®cio-demogr¨¢ficas. O segundo instrumento continha 20 quest es sobre conhecimentos gerais em nutri o selecionadas pelos autores por meio de revis o da literatura espec¨ªfica para o tema abordado. Para o question¨¢rio sobre nutri o, foi realizado teste-reteste e teste Alpha de Cronbach por dois profissionais nutricionistas (¦Á=0,95). A constru o do banco de dados e an¨¢lise descritiva foi realizada no programa estat¨ªstico SPSS vers o 17. Resultados: As vari¨¢veis sociodemogr¨¢ficas que mais contribu¨ªram para a forma o dos clusters foram: estado civil (p=0,040) e pr %K nutri o em sa¨²de p¨²blica %K programa sa¨²de da fam¨ªlia %K enfermagem %U http://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/faenfi/article/view/9337