%0 Journal Article %T Identification of haploid maize by flow cytometry, morphological and molecular markers Identifica o de milho haploide por citometria de fluxo, marcadores morfol¨®gicos e moleculares %A Evellyn Giselly de Oliveira Couto %A Livia Maria Chamma Davide %A Fernanda de Oliveira Bustamante %A Renzo Garcia Von Pinho %J Ci¨ºncia e Agrotecnologia %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal de Lavras %X The development of homozygous breeding lines in maize may be accelerated through the use of haploids. Thus, the obtaining and prior identification of haploids generated by the haploid inducer lines is an important factor. The purpose of this study was to identify haploids by flow cytometry and to correlate the nuclear DNA content to the morphological and morphometric traits of the seeds that gave rise to them. In addition, molecular markers were used to confirm the androgenetic nature of the haploid. The seeds obtained were derived from the cross between the inbred line W23 and the commercial hybrid P30F90. Among these seeds, a group was selected, putative haploids, whose embryo was white and the pericarp purplish. This group, consisting of 330 seeds, was characterized based on seed morphology, seed morphometry and nuclear DNA content. Flow cytometry analyses identified four haploids, and all of them were small size plants and had brittle leaves. The weight, length, thickness and width of the haploid seeds were very variable indicating that morphometric traits do not constitute reliable data for visual selection of haploid seeds. Based on results, the inbred line W23 induced haploid maize even under tropical conditions. Microsatellite molecular markers (SSR) proved to be efficient, confirming the androgenetic trait of the haploids. O desenvolvimento de linhagens homozigotas em milho pode ser acelerado por meio do uso de haploides. Para isso, a obten o e identifica o pr¨¦via dos haploides gerados pelas linhagens indutoras de haploidia ¨¦ um fator importante. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar hapl¨®ides por meio de citometria de fluxo para ent o correlacionar o conte¨²do de DNA nuclear aos caracteres morfol¨®gicos e morfom¨¦tricos das sementes que os originaram. Al¨¦m disso, marcadores moleculares foram utilizados para confirmar a natureza androgen¨¦tica do haploide. As sementes obtidas foram provenientes do cruzamento entre a linhagem W23 e o h¨ªbrido comercial P30F90. Dentre essas sementes, foi selecionado um grupo, poss¨ªveis hapl¨®ides, cujo embri o era branco e o pericarpo arroxeado. Esse grupo, constitu¨ªdo de 330 sementes, foi caracterizado quanto ¨¤ morfologia, morfometria e conte¨²do de DNA nuclear. As an¨¢lises de citometria de fluxo identificaram quatro haploides, e todos eles apresentaram porte reduzido e folhas quebradi as. Os pesos, comprimentos, espessuras e larguras das sementes hapl¨®ides variaram muito, indicando que caracteres morfom¨¦tricos n o s o eficientes para a sele o visual de haploides. Baseado nos resultados, a linhagem W23 induz hapl¨®i %K Zea mays %K conte¨²do de DNA nuclear %K heran a androgen¨¦tica %K R-navajo %K microssat¨¦lites %K Zea mays %K nuclear DNA content %K androgenetic inheritance %K R-navajo %K microsatellites %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-70542013000100003