%0 Journal Article %T Desnutri o, tempo de interna o e mortalidade em um hospital geral do Sul do Brasil Malnutrition, length of hospital stay and mortality in a General Hospital in Southern Brazil %A Aline Marcadenti %A Carla Vencatto %A Maria Elisabeth Boucinha %A Marlene Pooch Leuch %J Ci那ncia & Sa迆de %D 2011 %I Editora da Pontif赤cia Universidade Cat車lica do Rio Grande do Sul - EDIPUCRS %X Objetivo: Detectar preval那ncias de desnutri o atrav谷s de tr那s m谷todos de avalia o do estado nutricional e verificar associa es com o tempo de interna o hospitalar e mortalidade. Materiais e M谷todos: Estudo transversal incluindo 445 pacientes com idade maior ou igual a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, admitidos em hospital geral terci芍rio. Avalia o Subjetiva Global (ASG), 赤ndice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e Circunfer那ncia do Bra o (CB) foram avaliados. Dados demogr芍ficos e relativos a tempo de interna o e 車bito foram obtidos atrav谷s de question芍rio e prontu芍rio m谷dico. Testes t de Student, Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Regress o de Poisson Modificada foram utilizados. Resultados: As preval那ncias de desnutri o foram respectivamente: IMC: 15,5%; CB: 41,1% e ASG: 39,8%. Na an芍lise multivariada, a desnutri o detectada pela ASG no momento da admiss o associou-se significativamente com tempo de interna o hospitalar igual ou superior a dez dias (RP 1,29 IC95% 1,08 每 1,53 P=0,005) e 車bito durante a perman那ncia hospitalar (RP 4,36 IC95% 1,93 每 9,85 P=0,001). Conclus es: As preval那ncias de desnutri o detectadas por tr那s indicadores s o elevadas em nosso hospital. Entretanto, somente a ASG no momento da admiss o hospitalar associou-se significativamente com tempo de perman那ncia maior ou igual a 10 dias e 車bito. Objective: To detect the malnutrition prevalence using three methods to assess the nutritional status and to verify possible associations with the length of hospital stay and mortality. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study including 445 men and women, aged 18 years old or more, admitted in a general tertiary hospital. Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Body Mass Index (BMI) and Middle Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) were evaluated. Demographic data and information about length of hospital stay and mortality were obtained from questionnaire and medical records. Student T test, Chi-square test and Modified Poisson Regression were used in the statistical analysis. Results: Prevalence of malnutrition was respectively: BMI: 15.5%, MAUC: 41.1% and SGA 39.8%. In the multivariate analysis, malnutrition detected by SGA at hospital admission was significantly associated with length of stay higher or equal than 10 days (PR 1.29 IC95% 1.08 每 1.53 P=0,005) and death during hospitalization (PR 4.36 IC95% 1.93 每 9.85 P=0,001). Conclusions: Prevalence of malnutrition detected by three methods to assess the nutritional status is high in our hospital. However, only the SGA at hospital admission was significantly associated with length of stay higher or equal than 10 d %K desnutri o %K avalia o nutricional %K mortalidade %U http://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/faenfi/article/view/9081