%0 Journal Article %T Occupation ancienne dans la r¨¦gion d¡¯ dam (Sultanat d¡¯Oman) du N¨¦olithique ¨¤ la p¨¦riode pr¨¦-islamique. Ancient occupationin the regionof dam (Sultanate of Oman) from the Neolithicto thepre-Islamic period. %A Julien Charbonnier %A Jessica Giraud %A Guillaume Gernez %A Marion Lem¨¦e %J Chroniques Y¨¦m¨¦nites %D 2012 %I %X Les prospections men¨¦es dans la r¨¦gion d¡¯ dam (Sultanat d¡¯Oman) lors des quatre premi¨¨res campagnes (2007 ¨¤ 2010) ont permis une ¨¦valuation de la densit¨¦ et de la vari¨¦t¨¦ des vestiges arch¨¦ologiques de cette zone situ¨¦e sur les marges du d¨¦sert du Rub¡® al-Khal . Son peuplement remonte au N¨¦olithique et les ¨¦tablissements se succ¨¨dent ¨C avec une intensit¨¦ vari¨¦e ¨C de la fin de la Pr¨¦histoire jusqu¡¯aux ¨¦poques historiques. Les principaux sites prospect¨¦s et/ou sond¨¦s sont pr¨¦sent¨¦s p¨¦riode par p¨¦riode ; les premi¨¨res d¨¦couvertes de terrain et les ¨¦tudes pr¨¦liminaires apportent une lumi¨¨re nouvelle sur cette r¨¦gion jusqu¡¯alors inexplor¨¦e. The surveys that took place in the region of dam (Sultanate of Oman) during the four first campaigns (2007 to 2010) allowed us to evaluate the density and the variety of archaeological remains that are found in this area (situated on the margins of the Rub¡® al-Khal desert). Its population can be traced back to Neolithic and from then on, settlements follow each other - with varied intensity - between the end of Prehistory and historical periods. The main sites that were prospected and/or drilled are presented by period. The first discoveries made on the ground and the preliminary studies we have made bring a new light upon this unknown region. %K Prospections arch¨¦ologiques %K falaj %K Sultanat d¡¯Oman %K dam %K N¨¦olithique %K ge du Bronze %K ge du Fer %U http://cy.revues.org/1841