%0 Journal Article %T Une occupation de l¡¯ ge du Fer ¨¤ Masafi. %A Julien Charbonnier %A Anne Benoist %A Vincent Bernard %A Julie Goy %J Chroniques Y¨¦m¨¦nites %D 2012 %I %X Depuis 2000 la mission arch¨¦ologique fran aise aux Emirats Arabes Unis tente de reconstituer les strat¨¦gies d¡¯adaptation et l¡¯organisation territoriale des communaut¨¦s de l¡¯ ge du fer des r¨¦gions montagneuses de l¡¯Emirat de Fujeirah, en effectuant des fouilles et des prospections dans plusieurs r¨¦gions. A Masafi, un batiment collectif et un temple ont ¨¦t¨¦ fouill¨¦s, et un habitat fortifi¨¦ a ¨¦t¨¦ mis en ¨¦vidence sur une colline rocheuse. Les fouilles et les ¨¦tudes environnementales permettent d¡¯esquisser une premi¨¨re image d¡¯un territoire de l¡¯ ge du fer construit autour d¡¯un terroir agricole irrigu¨¦ central, d¨¦fendu par une forteresse ¨¦tablie sur une colline rocheuse, et plac¨¦ sous la protection d¡¯un dieu repr¨¦sent¨¦ sous la forme d¡¯un serpent. Since 2000 the French Archaeological Mission in the U.A.E. is carrying out researches in several areas of the Emirate of Fujairah in order to study strategies of adaptation and territorial organization of Iron Age communities in regions of mountains. In Masafi, a collective building and a temple have been excavated and a fortified settlement has been discovered and partly excavated on a rocky outcrop nearby. Excavations, surveys and environmental studies have allowed the archaeologists to draw a first picture of the Iron Age territory. It included a central cultivated area irrigated by canals, defended by a fortress and placed under the protection of a god represented as a snake. %K archaeology %K Iron Age %K settlement %K territory. %K territoire %K arch¨¦ologie %K age du fer %K habitat %K Fujeirah %K Emirats Arabes Unis %U http://cy.revues.org/1803