%0 Journal Article %T Internet Pharmacy: Need to be implemented in India %A Ankit Anand %A Neha Sethi %A Gopal Sharon %A George Mathew %J Chronicles of Young Scientists %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X In this era of science and technology, computer plays an important role in community. Today, computer is so ubiquitous in pharmaceutical research and development. The advent of the internet has had a significant impact on the formation of an information-driven, rapid-paced society. The number of internet users reached 150 million in only five years compared to 13 years for television and 38 years for radio. Consumer expectation for access, convenience, and speed has made the cyberspace superhighway a medium for knowledge exchange and for e-commerce. The internet offers a wide variety of health services and products to healthcare professionals as well as to the public. Online pharmaceutical sales have reached more than nearly $50 billion. This is a dramatic increase when compared to the $1.9 billion in 1999. At the click of the mouse, medications can be ordered and delivered conveniently to your door. Internet has evolved into a self-organizing media, capable of multiple interactions within. A large number of consumer products including drugs are being advertised and sold over the Internet. Though the marketing of drugs over the Internet is an inevitable outcome of the booming e-economy, it poses unique ethical, legal and quality challenges- the prime cause being the anarchic structure of the Internet. These challenges are important from the consumer, physician and regulator perspectives.This paper begins with a summary of historical considerations and the shifting organization of internet pharmacy. The advantages and disadvantages of internet pharmacy practice are listed. Internet pharmacy is not only affordable but also can be source of easy availability of medicine. %K internet pharmacy %K cyber pharmacy %K virtual pharmacy %U http://opubs.com/cys/index.php/cys/article/view/9