%0 Journal Article %T The Gates of Himyarite /Zafar %A Paul Yule %J Chroniques Y¨¦m¨¦nites %D 2007 %I %X Les portes de Zafar l¡¯himyariteA propos des paysages urbains de l¡¯¨¦poque himyarite, les sources ¨¦crites et arch¨¦ologiques sont rares. La citation d¡¯Ab Nasr al-Yahari par al-Hamdan au xe si¨¨cle concernant la configuration des portes de Zafar a ¨¦t¨¦ discut¨¦e par des chercheurs comme Fares, al-Shamar et Muhammad al-Akwa¡®. Il existe de contradictions dans la transmission des noms dans les trois versions du manuscrit, du fait des divergences dans la ponctuation. En se basant sur des cartes ¨¤ grande ¨¦chelle et des prospections arch¨¦ologiques ¨¤ Zafar, il est possible d¡¯examiner ¨¤ nouveau la question de savoir o¨´ se trouvaient les portes de la cit¨¦ antique. Et bien qu¡¯aujourd¡¯hui, aucune de ces portes ne soit intacte, des restes des murs de fortification permettent de discerner leur emplacement originel. Le complexe de l¡¯entr¨¦e principale de la ville se trouve au sud et est rest¨¦e en service, bien que sous une forme modifi¨¦e et r¨¦duite, jusqu¡¯¨¤ r¨¦cemment. Malgr¨¦ certaines contraditions entre les indices textuels et arch¨¦ologiques, ce rapprochement entre textes et arch¨¦ologie pourrait conduire ¨¤ de nouvelles questions et de nouvelles r¨¦ponses. Regarding the appearance of Himyarite cityscapes, written and archaeological sources are rare. Hamd¨¡n¨©¡¯s 10th century AD citation of Ab Na/sr regarding the appearance of /Zaf¨¡r¡¯s gates has been discussed by scholars, for example Fares, al-Shamar and Mu/hammad al-Akwa¡®. Some contradictions lie in the rendering of the names in the three Arabic manuscripts which contain the text, because the pointing is erratic. Based on new large-scale maps and archaeological investigation at /Zaf¨¡r, it is possible to reopen the question of where the gates were positioned around the ancient city. Although today none of the city gates are intact, remains of the fortification walls shed some light on where these once stood. The main entry complex to the city lay to the south and remained in service, although in a very much changed and reduced form, until recently. Although these textual and archaeological evidence do not concur at all points, bringing them together may lead us to new questions and new answers. %K Zafar %K Hamdani %K Himyar %K Gates %K City %U http://cy.revues.org/1446