%0 Journal Article %T Forma o did芍tico-pedag車gica em sa迆de: habilidades cognitivas desenvolvidas pelos p車s-graduandos no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Didactic and pedagogic training in health care: cognitive skills developed by postgraduate students in a virtual learning environment %A Lidia Ruiz-Moreno %A Maria Teresa Meirelles Leite %A Claudia Ajzen %J Ci那ncia & Educaˋˋo (Bauru) %D 2013 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X O f車rum de discuss o do ambiente virtual Moodle foi adotado na disciplina Forma o Did芍tico-Pedag車gica em Sa迆de, oferecida pelo Cedess da Unifesp. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as habilidades cognitivas e sociais desenvolvidas e as unidades tem芍ticas privilegiadas pelos p車s-graduandos. As mensagens foram classificadas segundo as habilidades de: a) propor, concordar, indagar; b) problematizar, discordar, questionar; e c) generalizar, esclarecer, sintetizar, estender. Os alunos desenvolveram habilidades nas tr那s categorias consideradas e a an芍lise de conte迆do das mensagens foi realizada em rela o a cada categoria. Os temas abordados evidenciaram a integra o de conhecimentos nos n赤veis pessoal, institucional, social e pol赤tico. Os alunos constru赤ram conhecimentos numa dimens o coletiva, onde as intera es interpessoais e com os conte迆dos, mediadas pelas TIC, tiveram importante papel na aprendizagem. Estas intera es potencializaram a aprendizagem entendida como processo social, de modo que a an芍lise do processo deslocou-se do indiv赤duo isolado para as rela es dos sujeitos e seus pap谷is na sociedade. At the graduation course on Teaching in Health, offered by Cedess/Unifesp, an online discussion forum was set up. The aim of this study was to identify the cognitive and social skills developed and the thematic units preferred by postgraduate students. The messages were classified according to the cognitive abilities. Content analysis of messages was performed for each category. Students developed cognitive and social skills in the three categories. The discussed topics showed the integration of knowledge at personal, institutional, social and political levels. Students built knowledge in a collective dimension, where the interpersonal interactions and content, mediated by ICTs, have played an important role in learning. These interactions have strengthened learning, understood as a social process, so that the analysis has shifted from the isolated individual into conceiving the relationship among subjects and their roles in society. %K Forma o de professores %K Tecnologia educacional %K F車rum de discuss o %K Doc那ncia %K Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem %K Teacher training %K Educational technology %K Discussion forum %K Virtual learning environment %K Education %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-73132013000100015