%0 Journal Article %T The safety of ustekinumab in the treatment of psoriasis Bezpiecze¨˝stwo stosowania ustekinumabu w leczeniu uszczycy %A RafaŁż BiaŁżynicki-Birula %A Eugeniusz Baran %J Clinical Dermatology %D 2011 %I %X Psoriasis is a chronic disease, thus requiring chronic therapy. The Adverse Events (AE) which can be caused by ustekinumab in the treatment of psoriasis were discussed in detail. The drug is safe as long as all the criteria are fulfilled before the introducing of the treatment. Data were based on the basis of information collected from several Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) that enrolled 3219 patients. In conclusion it should be noted that ustekinumab meets the criteria for ""magic bullet"", which was a dream of Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915). What is interesting - ustekinumab was introduced exactly 100 years after salvarsan (1909-2009). %K ustekinumab %K uszczyca %K wyniki leczenia %K toksyczno lek¨®w %K dzia ania niepo dane %K ustekinumab %K psoriasis %K treatment outcome %U http://cornetis.pl/pliki/DK/2011/2/DK_2011_2_95.pdf