%0 Journal Article %T Skin ulcers on the fingers in a course of amyopathic dermatomyositis succesfully treated with cyclosporin A - case report Owrzodzenia palc車w w przebiegu zapalenia sk車rno-mi niowego bez objaw車w mi niowych efektywnie leczone cyklosporyn A - opis przypadku %A Iwona Kuczborska %A Joanna Maj %A Dorota Kuczborska-Majda %A Alina Jankowska-Konsur %J Clinical Dermatology %D 2011 %I %X We present a case of 63-year-old man, who was admitted to the Dermatological Department in Wroc aw, Poland, because of skin eruptions typical for dermatomyositis. Patient didn't manifest myogenic abnormalities. Serum activity of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) was normal and electromyography (EMG) was without changes. Oral prednison 60 mg/day was stared and we observed reduce of skin changes. Anyway during hospitalization and prelungated diagnostic procedures, patient developed at first erosions and later skin ulcerations on the fingers (II, III and IV) left hand. We excluded the microangiopatic cause of ulcerations. Based on good experiences of cyclosporin A (CyA) which we found in the literature we started to treat patient with CyA at a dose of 200 mg/per day and after few weeks ulcers completely healed. We present this case because of not really often subtype of dermatomyositis (dermatomyositis sine myositis) and rare coexistence of dermatomyositis and ulcers. We would like also to underline very good result therapy of amypathic dermatomyositis with cyclosporin A (CyA). %K zapalenie sk車rno-mi niowe bez objaw車w mi niowych %K cyklosporyna A %K owrzodzenia sk車ry %K amyopathic dermatomyositis %K cyclosporine %K skin ulcer %U http://cornetis.pl/pliki/DK/2011/2/DK_2011_2_91.pdf