%0 Journal Article %T Adaptability and Genotype x Environment Interaction of Spring Wheat Cultivars in Chile using Regression Analysis, AMMI, and SRAG Adaptabilidad e Interacci車n Genotipo x Ambiente en Trigos de Primavera utilizando An芍lisis de Regresi車n, AMMI y SREG %A Dalma Castillo %A Iv芍n Matus %A Alejandro del Pozo %A Ricardo Madariaga %J Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research %D 2012 %I %X Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genetic improvement objectives include obtaining cultivars capable of expressing their maximum potential yield and quality in diverse environments. This make necessary to know and define the environment in which a variety can express its maximum potential yield and quality. The objective of this study was to assess which method is the most efficient to study cultivars response in multiple environments. For this, we analyze the adaptability, stability, and genotype x environment (GxE) interaction effect, grain yield, sedimentation, and wet gluten content of 13 spring wheat cultivars sown in six environments in the central-south and southern zones of Chile during two seasons. The data were analyzed by regression analysis, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI), and the sites regression (SREG) model. By this was thus established that SREG analysis is the most efficient for this type of study since, in addition to analyzing stability, adaptability, and effect (GxE), it allows identifying the best cultivar. In this case, 'Pandora-INIA' stands out by exhibiting the best yield (7.38 t ha-1), high sedimentation (36.95 cm3), and wet gluten (41.54%) indices in all the environments, and this positions it as a variety having both high yield and quality. Dentro de los objetivos del mejoramiento gen谷tico del trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) figura la obtenci車n de variedades capaces de expresar su m芍ximo potencial de rendimiento y calidad en diversos ambientes. Por lo cual es necesario conocer y definir el ambiente en que una variedad puede expresar al m芍ximo su potencial de rendimiento y de calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar una metodolog赤a eficiente para analizar la respuesta de diversos cultivares de trigo a distintos ambientes. Para ello se analiz車 la adaptabilidad, estabilidad y la interacci車n Genotipo x Ambiente (GxE) de 13 variedades de trigo de primavera, sembradas, en seis ambientes de la zona centro sur y sur de Chile, durante dos temporadas, evaluando rendimiento de grano, sedimentaci車n y contenido de gluten h迆medo. Los resultados fueron sometidos a an芍lisis de regresi車n, an芍lisis de efectos principales aditivos e interacci車n multiplicativa (AMMI) y modelo de regresi車n de sitios (SREG), estableciendo que el an芍lisis SREG es el m芍s eficiente para este tipo de estudio, ya que adem芍s de analizar estabilidad, adaptabilidad y efecto (GxE), permite identificar cu芍l es la mejor variedad. 'Pandora-INIA' present車 el mejor rendimiento (7,38 t ha-1), altos 赤ndices de sedimentaci車n (36,95 cm3) y gluten h迆me %K Triticum aestivum %K Triticum aestivum %K AMMI %K SREG %K GxE %K trigo harinero %K AMMI %K SREG %K GxE %K bread wheat %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-58392012000200001