%0 Journal Article %T Effects of Soil Aluminum on Early Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization of Wheat an Barley Cultivars Growing in an Andisol Efecto del Aluminio del Suelo en la Colonizaci車n Temprana por Micorrizas Arbusculares en Cultivares de Trigo y Cebada Creciendo en un Andisol %A Alex Seguel %A Jorge Medina %A Rosa Rubio %A Pablo Cornejo %J Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research %D 2012 %I %X Aluminum phytotoxicity in acid soils is an important environmental stress that negatively affects crop production, but arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi performance would allow plants to better withstand this environmental condition. This study aimed to analyze the effect of soil Al on early AM colonization of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars. Near-isogenic Crac, Invento, and Porfiado wheat cultivars and Sebasti芍n and Aurora barley cultivars were sown in pots in an acid soil at three Al saturation levels (60, 34, and 11%). At 20 d after sowing (DAS) 'Crac' presented higher AM colonization (27%) than other cultivars. However, 'Invento' had the fastest colonization at 41 DAS, which was inhibited in short term at lower Al-saturation. Moreover, roots of 'Aurora' were colonized 28 and 51% at 20 and 66 DAS, respectively, and also decreased at lower Al-saturation. In soil with 60% Al-saturation a great spore production was observed at 41 DAS, 'Aurora' had the highest spore density at 66 DAS. At 20 DAS a negative relationship (r = -0.37; p < 0.001) was observed between the early root colonization and root weight. In addition, such relation was stronger (r = -0.49; p < 0.001) when plants were grown at high Al saturation. An early AM colonization was observed in all cultivars essayed when growing at high Al saturation being higher in cultivars apparently more Al tolerant, suggesting that an early AM colonization can be an important factor in Al tolerance for agricultural plants cropped in acid soils. La fitotoxicidad por Al en suelos 芍cidos es un importante estr谷s que afecta negativamente la producci車n de cultivos, pero la actividad de hongos micorr赤cicos arbusculares (MA) permitir赤a que las plantas soporten mejor esta condici車n ambiental. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto del Al en la colonizaci車n MA temprana de cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) y cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.). Cultivares de trigo Crac, Invento, y Porfiado, y de cebada Sebasti芍n y Aurora fueron sembrados en macetas en un suelo 芍cido con tres niveles de saturaci車n de Al (60, 34, y 11%). A los 20 d赤as despu谷s de la siembra (DDS) 'Crac' present車 la mayor colonizaci車n MA (27%); sin embargo, 'Invento' tuvo la m芍s r芍pida colonizaci車n a los 41 DDS, la cual fue inhibida a corto plazo a una menor saturaci車n de Al. Por otra parte, las ra赤ces de 'Aurora' fueron colonizadas 28 y 51% a los 20 y 66 DDS, respectivamente, y tambi谷n se redujo a una menor saturaci車n de Al. En suelos con 60% de saturaci車n de Al se observ車 una gran producci車n de esporas %K Suelos 芍cidos %K prop芍gulos de micorrizas arbusculares %K cultivo de cereales %K saturaci車n de aluminio en el suelo %K Acid soils %K arbuscular mycorrhizal propagules %K cereal crop %K soil aluminum saturation %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-58392012000300022