%0 Journal Article %T Para um teatro da militancia c¨ªvica: s¨¢tira, desmistifica o e crise ideol¨®gica das institui es pol¨ªtico-religiosas nas pe as a P¨¦cora De Nat¨¢lia Correia E Quem Move As ¨¢rvores De Fiama H. P. Brand o %A Ana Catarina Marques %J CEM : Cultura, Espa£¿o & Mem¨®ria %D 2012 %I Universidade do Porto, CITCEM %X The purpose of this article consists on an approach of Nat¨¢lia Correia¡¯s dramatic text A P¨¦cora (1983) and Fiama¡¯s H. P. Brand o Quem move as ¨¢rvores (1979). It is intended to analyze the contribution of the authors in view of dramatic production of the second half of the twentieth century, in Portugal, namely the exploration of dramatic text as a vehicle for criticism and denunciation of oppressive regimes. In the light of a conception of ¡®theater of militancy¡¯, following Brecht¡äs ideas, this study discusses the relationship between political and religious power and the ideological crisis of the institutions mentioned in the plays. %K Nat¨¢lia Correia %K Fiama Hasse Pais Brand o %K Dramatic texto %K 20th century portuguese dramaturgy %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/11297.pdf