%0 Journal Article %T Acompanhar ao outro mundo: a morte nas confrarias de braga no s¨¦culo XVIII. Estudo preliminar %A Tiago Ferraz %J CEM : Cultura, Espa£¿o & Mem¨®ria %D 2012 %I Universidade do Porto, CITCEM %X This article wants to study the way how the confraternities of Braga, in the XVIII century made company to their fellow members in the moment of the transport of their corpse to the place of burial. It bases on the archives of the churches of Santa Cruz, S o Vicente, S¨¦ and Senhora a Branca, of the city of Braga. On the article are studied the differences that existed between the more powerful confraternities and the more smaller ones on the mobilization of it¡¯s members to make company of the corpses of their brethrens. In the same time it is also made one analyse of the paid accompaniments made by these institutions to the nonmembers. %K Mournful accompaniment %K Confraternity %K Death %K Braga %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/11301.pdf