%0 Journal Article %T Effect of Nitrogen Inhibitors on Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Pasture Growth After an Autumn Application in Volcanic Soil Efecto de Inhibidores de Nitr車geno en las Emisiones de 車xido Nitroso y Crecimiento de la Pradera despu谷s de la Aplicaci車n Oto al en un Suelo Volc芍nico %A Erika Vistoso %A Marta Alfaro %A Surinder Saggar %A Francisco Salazar %J Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research %D 2012 %I %X A range of technologies is available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems. Among these, applying N transformation inhibitors is promising in reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in both arable and pastoral soils. A randomized complete block design with six replicates was used to quantify the effect of urease (UI) and nitrification (NI) inhibitors on N2O emissions and pasture production from permanent pasture in an Andisol after autumn-applied urea. The N2O emissions were measured periodically for 8 wk with PVC stationary chambers. Mineral N, DM yield, N concentration, and N uptake were analyzed. Our results show that adding fertilizer (40 kg N ha-1) significantly increased N2O emissions by 281% over the control treatment (P < 0.05) and adding N inhibitors to fertilizer N resulted in a 10%-29% reduction in emissions. Both inhibitors initially reduced nitrate-N production in the Andisol (Osorno series) either by slowing urea hydrolysis or the nitrification process. Increases in pasture yield (8%-13%), N concentration (7%-9%), and N uptake (46%-56%) were measured by adding N inhibitors with urea. Emission factors, measured under field conditions in Chile after autumn- applied urea and N inhibitors (applied alone or combined), were very low (0.052%-0.114%) compared with values reported in the literature and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default value (1%). Using these technologies could contribute to Chile's nationally established goal of a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Una gama de tecnolog赤as est芍n disponibles para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero desde sistemas agr赤colas. Entre 谷stas, la aplicaci車n de inhibidores de transformaci車n del N es considerada prometedora para reducir emisiones de oxido nitroso (N2O) en suelos de cultivo y praderas. Un dise o de bloques completos al azar con seis repeticiones se utiliz車 para cuantificar el efecto de inhibidores de ureasa (UI) y nitrificaci車n (NI) sobre emisiones de N2O y producci車n de pradera permanente sobre un Andisol despu谷s de la aplicaci車n oto al de urea. Las emisiones de N2O se midieron peri車dicamente durante 8 semanas en c芍mara estacionaria de PVC. Se analizaron N mineral, rendimiento de MS, concentraci車n de N, y absorci車n de N. Los resultados muestran que la aplicaci車n de fertilizante (40 kg N ha-1) aument車 significativamente las emisiones de N2O en 281% sobre el tratamiento control (P < 0,05) y gener車 10-29% de reducci車n de emisiones. Ambos inhibidores redujeron la producci車n de N-nitrato en el Andisol serie Osorno p %K Andisol %K factor de emisi車n %K inhibidor de la ureasa %K inhibidor de la nitrificaci車n %K urea %K Andisol %K emission factor %K urease inhibitor %K nitrification inhibitor %K urea %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-58392012000100021