%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of MgO Dopant and Laser Treatment on ZnO Ceramic %A Fadhil A. Chyad %A Shaymaa Q. Abul Hassan %A Zyad T. Al-Dahan %J Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering %P 301-306 %@ 2327-4085 %D 2013 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jmmce.2013.16045 %X ZnO ceramic samples as pellets have been prepared and doped with (1, 2.5, 5, 10 wt%) of MgO powder, sintering at 1300?C, these samples have been treated with laser at 400 J/cm2. X-ray diffraction spectra of the samples show some changes in the X-ray parameters, where d-spacing and the intensities of the peaks are changed. FWMH of all the samples was altered due to MgO dopant and the laser influence microstructure was affected by the laser treatment, also, the texture coefficient is affected. %K ZnO %K Laser Treatment %K Texture Coefficient %K FWMH %K X-Ray Diffraction %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40011