%0 Journal Article %T Nonlinear Systems Theory, Feminism, and Postprocessualism %A Suzanne M. Spencer-Wood %J Journal of Archaeology %D 2013 %I Hindawi Publishing Corporation %R 10.1155/2013/540912 %X This paper explores the insights that nonlinear systems theory can contribute to archaeological theory and method. Dynamical nonlinear systems theory, chaos theory, and complexity theory are first defined, and their interrelationships are discussed. Then chaotic processes are described and exemplified in processes relevant to archaeology. Some applications of nonlinear systems theory in archaeology are briefly reviewed. Next, it is argued that culture is a nonlinear system. Finally, an exploration of similarities, differences, and relationships between nonlinear systems theory, feminist theory, and postprocessual archaeology leads to suggestions for expansions and synergies among these theories. 1. Introduction Nonlinear systems theory has transformed the dominant scientific paradigm in ways that have deep implications for archaeological theory and method. Nonlinear systems theory demonstrates that current archaeological analysis of patterns and processes is incomplete and so partial that our understanding of culture and cultural processes, especially evolution, is seriously compromised. The prevalence of nonlinear patterns and processes in culture and nature needs to be addressed by further development of archaeological theory and method. Comparison of nonlinear systems theory, feminist theory, and post-processual archaeology leads to suggested synergies, expansions, and areas of potential synthesis among these theoretical approaches. This paper explores the insights that nonlinear systems theory can contribute to archaeological theory and method. Dynamical nonlinear systems theory, chaos theory, and complexity theory are first defined, and their interrelationships are discussed. Then, chaotic processes are described and exemplified in processes relevant to archaeology. Some applications of nonlinear systems theory in archaeology are briefly reviewed. Next, it is argued that culture is a nonlinear system. Finally, an exploration of similarities, differences, and relationships between nonlinear systems theory, feminist theory, and post-processual archaeology leads to suggestions for expansions and synergies among these theories. 2. What Is Nonlinear Systems Theory? Paradigms limit the patterns and processes we can perceive and analyze from data. Nonlinear systems theory is a new scientific paradigm that developed out of the realization that apparently random variation can shape the irreversible evolutionary paths of complex systems. The recognition and analysis of chaotic systems and processes were not possible in the traditional scientific paradigm %U http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jarchae/2013/540912/