%0 Journal Article %T Biological Anomalies around the 2009 L¡¯Aquila Earthquake %A Cristiano Fidani %J Animals %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/ani3030693 %X The April 6, 2009 L¡¯Aquila earthquake was the strongest seismic event to occur in Italy over the last thirty years with a magnitude of M = 6.3. Around the time of the seismic swarm many instruments were operating in Central Italy, even if not dedicated to biological effects associated with the stress field variations, including seismicity. Testimonies were collected using a specific questionnaire immediately after the main shock, including data on earthquake lights, gas leaks, human diseases, and irregular animal behavior. The questionnaire was made up of a sequence of arguments, based upon past historical earthquake observations and compiled over seven months after the main shock. Data on animal behavior, before, during and after the main shocks, were analyzed in space/time distributions with respect to the epicenter area, evidencing the specific responses of different animals. Several instances of strange animal behavior were observed which could causally support the hypotheses that they were induced by the physical presence of gas, electric charges and electromagnetic waves in atmosphere. The aim of this study was to order the biological observations and thereby allow future work to determine whether these observations were influenced by geophysical parameters. %K plants %K animals %K humans %K earthquakes %K electric signals %K positive holes %K gas leaks %U http://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/3/3/693