%0 Journal Article %T The Economic Impact of Starting, Stopping, and Restarting an Antibiotic Stewardship Program: A 14-Year Experience %A Mary A. Ullman %A Garry L. Parlier %A James Bryan Warren %A Noe Mateo %A Craig Harvey %A Christopher J. Sullivan %A Robert Bergsbaken %A Isaac F. Mitropoulos %A John A. Bosso %A John C. Rotschafer %J Antibiotics %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/antibiotics2020256 %X Regions Hospital started a multidisciplinary antibiotic stewardship program (ASP) in 1998. The program effectively shut down from 2002每2004 as key personnel departed and was then restarted but without the dedicated pharmacist and infectious diseases physician. Purchasing data (in dollars or dollars/patient/day) unadjusted for inflation served as a surrogate marker of antibiotic consumption. These data were reviewed monthly, quarterly, and yearly along with antibiotic susceptibility patterns on a semi-annual basis. Segmented regression analysis was use to compare restricted antibiotic purchases for performance periods of 1998每2001 (construction), 2002每2004 (de-construction), and 2005每2011 (reconstruction). After 4 years (1998每2001) of operation, a number of key participants of the ASP departed. For the following three years (2002每2004) the intensity and focus of the program floundered. This trend was averted when the program was revitalized in early 2005. The construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of our ASP provided a unique opportunity to statistically examine the financial impact of our ASP or lack thereof in the same institution. We demonstrate a significant economic impact during ASP deconstruction and reconstruction. %K antimicrobials %K antibiotic costs %K stewardship %K resistance %U http://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/2/2/256