%0 Journal Article %T Numerical Modeling of Climate-Chemistry Connections: Recent£¿Developments and Future Challenges %A Martin Dameris %A Patrick J£¿ckel %J Atmosphere %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/atmos4020132 %X This paper reviews the current state and development of different numerical model classes that are used to simulate the global atmospheric system, particularly Earth¡¯s climate and climate-chemistry connections. The focus is on Chemistry-Climate Models. In general, these serve to examine dynamical and chemical processes in the Earth atmosphere, their feedback, and interaction with climate. Such models have been established as helpful tools in addition to analyses of observational data. Definitions of the global model classes are given and their capabilities as well as weaknesses are discussed. Examples of scientific studies indicate how numerical exercises contribute to an improved understanding of£¿atmospheric behavior. There, the focus is on synergistic investigations combining observations and model results. The possible future developments and challenges are presented, not only from the scientific point of view but also regarding the computer technology and respective consequences for numerical modeling of atmospheric processes. In the future, a stronger cross-linkage of subject-specific scientists is necessary, to tackle the looming challenges. It should link the specialist discipline and applied computer science. %K troposphere %K stratosphere %K atmospheric circulation %K ozone layer %K ozone-climate connection %K stratospheric water vapor %K climate change %K future projection %K Earth-System Model %K high-performance computing %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/4/2/132