%0 Journal Article %T Influence of Gold on Hydrotalcite-like Compound Catalysts for Toluene and CO Total Oxidation %A Eric Genty %A Renaud Cousin %A Sylvie Capelle %A St¨¦phane Siffert %J Catalysts %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/catal3040966 %X X 6Al 2HT500 hydrotalcites, where X represents Mg, Fe, Cu or Zn were synthetized and investigated before and after gold deposition for toluene and CO total oxidation reactions. The samples have been characterized by specific areas, XRD measurements and Temperature Programmed Reduction. Concerning the toluene total oxidation, the best activity was obtained with Au/Cu 6Al 2HT500 catalyst with T 50 at 260 ˇăC. However, catalytic behavior of Au/X 6Al 2HT500 sample in both reactions depends mainly on the nature of the support. %K gold based catalyst %K hydrotalcite %K toluene oxidation %K CO oxidation %K heterogeneous catalysis %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4344/3/4/966