%0 Journal Article %T Isotopic Labeling Study of the Formation of Calix[5]pyrroles Catalyzed by Bi(NO3)3 %A Luis Chac¨®n-Garc¨ªa %A Claudia A. Contreras-Celed¨®n %A Melissa Tapia-Ju¨¢rez %J Catalysts %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/catal3030588 %X One of the more elusive classes of macrocycles includes the calix[5]pyrroles, which can be obtained from pyrrole and acetone in the presence of low concentrations of Bi(NO 3) 3-5H 2O. An isotopic labeling experiment aided the proposal of a mechanism to explain the formation of calix[5]pyrrole at low acid concentrations and the exclusive formation of calix[4]pyrrole at high acid concentrations. We assume that the mechanism involves HNO 3, which is released from the Bi salt. %K calixpyrrole %K calix[5]pyrrole %K bismuth nitrate %K anion-guest %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4344/3/3/588