%0 Journal Article %T On Dealing with Destructive Emotions through the ¡°Path of Self-Liberation¡± %A Costantino M. Albini %J Religions %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/rel4020306 %X In the majority of Buddhist systems and traditions, destructive emotions¡ªhatred, craving and delusion¡ªare considered as the main obstacle to enlightenment and dealt with as such through various methods of counteracting and neutralizing. In the supreme teaching of Dzogchen, however, they are but one of the infinite aspects of the primordially self-perfected dimension of the true nature of mind. Thus they are allowed to show their utterly harmless essence¡ªnon-ego, beyond-good-and-evil, empty and luminous¡ªthrough the path of self-liberation. %K Dzogchen %K self-perfected state %K Rigpa %K instantaneous presence %K path %K self-liberation %U http://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/4/2/306