%0 Journal Article %T Bickmann, Claudia. ¡°The Idea of a Highest Divine Principle¡ªFounding Reason and Spirituality. A Necessary Concept of a Comparative Philosophy?¡± Religions 3 (2012): 1025¨C40 %A Claudia Bickmann %J Religions %D 2014 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/rel5010021 %X The author wishes to add the following correction to her paper published in Religions [1]: Reference [28] on pages 1035 and 1040 should be [27] and the citation to [27] on p. 1035 should be removed. The author apologizes for any inconvenience. %U http://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/5/1/21