%0 Journal Article %T Spruce Beetle Biology, Ecology and Management in the Rocky Mountains: An Addendum to Spruce Beetle in the Rockies %A Michael J. Jenkins %A Elizabeth G. Hebertson %A A. Steven Munson %J Forests %D 2014 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/f5010021 %X Spruce beetle outbreaks have been reported in the Rocky Mountains of western North America since the late 1800s. In their classic paper, Spruce Beetle in the Rockies, Schmid and Frye reviewed the literature that emerged from the extensive outbreaks in Colorado in the 1940s. A new wave of outbreaks has affected Rocky Mountain subalpine spruce-fir forests beginning in the mid-1980s and continuing to the present. These outbreaks have spurred another surge of basic and applied research in the biology, ecology and management of spruce and spruce beetle populations. This paper is a review of literature on spruce beetle focusing on work published since the late 1970s and is intended as an addendum to Spruce Beetle in the Rockies. %K Dendroctonus rufipennis %K spruce beetle %K Engelmann spruce %K central Rocky Mountains %U http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/5/1/21