%0 Journal Article %T Formal ESL Synthesis for Control-Intensive Applications %A Michael F. Dossis %J Advances in Software Engineering %D 2012 %I Hindawi Publishing Corporation %R 10.1155/2012/156907 %X Due to the massive complexity of contemporary embedded applications and integrated systems, long effort has been invested in high-level synthesis (HLS) and electronic system level (ESL) methodologies to automatically produce correct implementations from high-level, abstract, and executable specifications written in program code. If the HLS transformations that are applied on the source code are formal, then the generated implementation is correct-by-construction. The focus in this work is on application-specific design, which can deliver optimal, and customized implementations, as opposed to platform or IP-based design, which is bound by the limits and constraints of the preexisting architecture. This work surveys and reviews past and current research in the area of ESL and HLS. Then, a prototype HLS compiler tool that has been developed by the author is presented, which utilizes compiler-generators and logic programming to turn the synthesis into a formal process. The scheduler PARCS and the formal compilation of the system are tested with a number of benchmarks and real-world applications. This demonstrates the usability and applicability of the presented method. 1. Introduction During the last 3-4 decades, the advances on chip integration capability have increased the complexity of embedded and other custom VLSI systems to such a level that sometimes their spec-to-product development time exceeds even their product lifetime in the market. Because of this, and in combination with the high design cost and development effort required for the delivery of such products, they often even miss their market window. This problem generates competitive disadvantages for the relevant industries that design and develop these complex computing products. The current practice in the used design and engineering flows, for the development of such systems and applications, includes to a large extent approaches which are semimanual, ad-hoc, nonautomatically communicants from one level of the design flow to the next, and with a lot of design iterations caused by the discovery of functional and timing bugs, as well as specification to product requirements mismatches later in the development process. All of these issues have motivated industry and academia to invest in suitable methodologies and tools to achieve higher automation in the design of contemporary systems. Nowadays, a higher level of code abstraction is pursued as input to automated E-CAD tools. Furthermore, methodologies and tools such as high-level synthesis (HLS) and electronic system level (ESL) design %U http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ase/2012/156907/